About Linda Kay
Linda Kay is the youngest of 6 children who grew up in Milwaukee, WI after her parents, both Lao refugees, moved to the United States in the late 70's. Although neither of her parents or her brothers and sisters knew much English when they moved to Wisconsin, her parents wanted a better life for their family and did not think twice about pursuing a new life there. In just a couple years living in Milwaukee, "The Lovely" Linda Kay was born into existence with a positive vibe, a loving soul, and the hunger for some good ole fashion wrasslin'. Growing up Linda's family had very little (if any) extra expenses for eating out or any extra entertainment for that matter, but instead as a family they looked forward to watching WWF together on the weekends, and to Linda, that was the most exciting time of her week.
Fast forward about 15 years later, when Linda's older sister took her to her first live pro wrestling show at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee (King of the Ring 1996, where “Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your @ss!”). After that day she was certain that professional sports broadcasting was in her future.
After graduating from high school where she excelled in dance and cheerleading, she decided to stay close to home to pursue her degree in Broadcast Journalism, and spent time studying at both the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
After graduating from college, Linda Kay partnered with a number of local media and marketing companies throughout the midwest, and established a name for herself in the area as one of the top brand ambassadors and promotional professionals representing influential businesses, including radio stations, professional sports organizations, national marketing firms, and political professionals. If you have been in a room with Linda Kay then you know that she is a confident and bold communicator, and has a talent for speaking.
Linda’s journey into pro wrestling began when she met Great Lakes Championship Wrestling owner and promoter Dave Herro, at a radio sponsored event at a nightclub, where tryouts were held to be a valet for an upcoming WWE event. To be frank, it was to be a part of the “Hooooo train!” for The Godfather. While she didn’t win a spot (and probably best as she snuck into the club as a senior in high school) it was the start to her tremendous journey in wrestling. Dave has become one of her closest friends, biggest supporters, and “family”.
Linda never missed a WWE or WCW live event that came to town, and supported Dave by attending his local GLCW and Blizzard Brawl shows. About 10 years after meeting Dave, she was approached by the founder of the Milwaukee based “Pro Wrestling Report” show, Dameon Nelson. Dameon and Dave were great friends and colleagues, and little did Linda know she would also become a great friend and colleague, as she soon joined on as a correspondent on the Pro Wrestling Report TV show in 2010. The Pro Wrestling Report expanded into network television, ESPN Milwaukee radio, and into a podcast. PWR also became a staple in event planning with its annual “Shenanigans Party” held each year during WrestleMania weekend. Linda has not missed a WrestleMania weekend since 2011. That was her first- WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta, then the following years to Miami, New York, New Orleans, San Jose, Dallas, Orlando and Tampa for WrestleMania alone. Since joining PWR her, Dave and Dameon traveled to several other cities for big live wrestling shows, and made a name for themselves with hosting events.
While the TV/web version of PWR concluded at the end of 2020, Dameon gave his blessing to Linda and fellow colleagues of PWR, Ron “Meathead” Siejkowski and Matthew Thomas, to continue the legacy of the Pro Wrestling Report, by conducting a daily podcast called “PWR Today”, where she continues her love of talking all things wrestling.
During her time with PWR TV, Dave asked Linda if she would like to ring announce one of this GLCW shows. It was something she had ever done, but enjoyed presenting and public speaking so thought, why not? She had experience on the mic, but this was something different. She ended up loving it, and found a new passion of ring announcing. She has become Dave’s “#1 announcer” (Funaki reference there) and thus began “The Lovely Linda Kay”, where she continues to announce GLCW shows to this day.
In January of 2021, Linda was given the opportunity to head down to Louisville, KY and do some announcing at Ohio Valley Wrestling’s “Nightmare Rumble”. This was her first time announcing at a live televised event, but OVW owner, pro wrestling legend Al Snow, had faith in her, giving her a chance to showcase her announcing abilities. Linda has officially joined the OVW announcing team, and you can regularly see her on OVW’s weekly TV show on network Kentucky television and on FITE TV, as well as OVW’s pay per views. She is a ring announcer, backstage correspondent, timekeeper, and even participated as a wrestler in OVW’s first ever Women’s Nightmare Rumble in 2022. In late 2022, Linda also joined the Louisville based “Ringside Podcast”, another outlet for Linda to chat wrestling and do interviews.
Linda has been traveling back and forth from Milwaukee to Kentucky to work with OVW and continue to pursue her passion for professional wrestling announcing and production. 2022 also brought opportunities as an extra with WWE. She has traveled to four different states to do extra work with WWE, and there’s no stopping Linda on her continual journey with pro wrestling!